Relationships: The Importance of Setting Boundaries

The Importance of Setting Boundaries in Relationships

In all your relationships, whether the one you have with your romantic partner or the one you have with a friend or your relative, you can see a setting of some kind of boundaries is a key determinant to a peaceful and harmonious environment. Edges are the demarcations we establish for drawing the lines between … Read more

How Do You Recover Psychologically From A Toxic Relationship?

Toxic Relationship

People often portray love as a romantic state full of joy and happiness. What is not noticed is the toxic relationship between pain and wounds. Is it possible to think of love without pain? Pangs of longing and nostalgia? Or the scars of hurt, misunderstanding, and lack of care? Love is trust and spontaneous self-disclosure, … Read more

8 Signs Your Relationship Is Over


All relationships have ups and downs, and being in a couple requires work from time to time. But what happens when a relationship is more work than play? We look at possible signs that your relationship is over or beyond repair. There are some myths about relationships and how they work that are wonderfully ignored. … Read more